And the Award for Best Summer Oh-Fiddy's Best Rejection Letter by a Major Literary Agency goes to ...
... none other then the ga-giant William Morris Agency. Let's give them a small round of applesauce for their considerate pass on my novel. What happened to the box my 600+ page manuscript came in is a mystery, as it returned in a bubble wrap manilla envelope, but ... thats splitting hairs. Nice stationary you richie riches!
The other 35 or so rejections of the season never made it to the 'review manuscript' phase - but thats ok. Since they are all in the upper tier of agents, i'll let it slide. Though my ego would prefer a reaction more civil then the response you would likely get if you offered someone "haggis and mealie pudding with that?" - im still in full optimism mode.
I have a lot to be thankful for, i'm ramping up for my second novel and the wind of change is at my back.
"What do they win?" you may be asking yourself. Well, what do you get someone who 'literally' has everything.
Well my new DVD of course, where I sing all of the Perry Como and Lawrence Welk hits through a voice synthesizer - naked. Really, conganulations and thanks you guys!

Abi...your''re a writer? I had no...idea...I thought it was your husband who was the writer...? No? Yes? Please...I am blonde...this much thinking hurts me... ;o) Greg - is that you?
Yes, it is I ... Gregoul. I rarely bloginate.
Wait. You win a prize as well!
Its a ...
Shopping Spree at WEBS!!!
Everything you can fit in a U-haul in 8 hours.
Sponsered by ...
Roger's Credit Card, Inc.
Proud Sponser of all KA! (Kitting Anonymous) rehabees in Egremont, MA since 1995.
wooHOO!!! THANK you Gregoul - I cannot wait to abuse Roger's Credit Card, Inc. ;o) I can fit a helluva lot of yarn in a uhaul in five minutes - let alone 8 hours!!
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