It's offical! The Connors Clan are the proud owners of a cabin in the woods! We closed on August 23rd and promptly went over to open the padlock on our little piece of heaven. Pete and Dimitri were with us that day so they were there to experience the joy with us. Here's a shot of the Dimitri, Jorn, and I opening the door for the first time.

Located on the property along with the cabin is an old farmhouse that is falling to the ground. A property like this is not for everyone and we understand that but located within the old house are quite a bit of building materials that can be used for other projects we have planned in the future. Greg and I have already started dismantling the house and removing wood, windows, and other supplies in preparation for the houses inevitable demolition sometime before winter.

The old portion is quite big as you can see from this picture. It extends a ways from the cabin.

I have posted this picture before but it now functions as a "before" shot. In this picture (below) the pathway leading from the "front" door is just grass.

But I uncovered a slate floor underneath a collapsed portion of the house so now that pathway looks like this...

It extends up from the house toward the driveway and winds its way up into an eventual garden plot. Pictured below. Let me tell you those slate pieces were heavy! Greg and I are getting our hard work muscles back that have sort of disappeared since we owned our farmhouse in Cornwallville.

But, as we all know "all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy" so Jorn and I have adapted this sled we found to work on grass. There is a nice steep hill (you can't tell from the picture) and you can really get going! Who needs snow?

Finally, for this post, a gratuitous shot of one of our neighbors.
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