Long Time No Post
Oh Boy. It has been a really long time since my last post. Things have been really busy over here in the beautiful Berkshires since my Celebrancy graduation. I owe a sincere apology to those of you out there (Papa Joe) who have become accustomed to regular updates. I'm back on track again and ready to blog! So here it goes. After graduating and coming back home we had just enough time to do some laundry before we high tailed it back to good 'ol Tom's River, NJ again for the not so annual but more like whenever we get around to it Gregorio Family Reunion. We did actually take a complete group shot but I didn't manage to get a copy so it will have to wait until one ends up my way. Until then here is a picture of my cousins Lisa (front) and Joanne (back) with their significant others and Joanne's son Larry. Don't worry, there were way more than 5 people there. We had a great time and I think it was the first year that I really remembered who everyone was!

As soon as we got home we entered the final stages of the purchase of our second and most beautiful dwelling, this lovely cabin in Savoy, Ma. We are (almost) the proud owners of 1.85 acres located and grandfathered smack into the middle of Savoy state forest which means that around the cabin is 11,000 acres of preserved immaculate forest. While hiking around the other day Greg, Jorn, and I discovered a trail that runs from behind the cabin and brings you to an amazing waterfall. Yes, for the nature lovers out there, I said 11,000 acres and a waterfall. It needs some elbow grease and a bulldozer to remove the falling down old farmhouse still on the property but we're up to the challenge. So, grab your camping gear and a hammer and get up here people we have some work to do!

In the meantime while we were faxing and signing for the cabin my dearest friend in the world, Bruce, traveled out from Ohio to visit for a few days while on his way to officate a wedding for some friends of his in Northhampton, Ma. We had such a great visit which we always do. Unfortunately there were no pictures taken only memories made but that's just swell. While waiting for his train to come in (which it eventually did 2 1/2 hours late) I knit him up a hat which I have asked him to take a picture of and send back my way and once that gets here I'll be sure to post it for all to see.
The day after Bruce left (you getting all this) my friend, Aileen, from Simon's Rock College surprised us with a phone call and a visit. I hadn't seen Aileen since I was pregnant with Jorn so we had a lot of catching up to do and not quite enough time. (If you're reading this Aileen, I'll have to pay you a visit soon so we can continue the conversations we started.) It was *so great* to see her. She is a beauty and a sweetie and a knitter...what more could you ask for?

On top of all that I was asked by a local political/social organization (who shall remain nameless) to run for City Council representing Ward 1 in the grand 'ol city of Pittsfield, Ma. With some serious consideration I decided to declined the nomination as I don't feel now is quite the right time for me to run for public office. Perhaps sometime in the near future or maybe not. Who knows? One things for sure, things are always fun and unpredictable here, just the way I like it. So stay tuned...I'll be blogging regularly again.
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