The Adams Fair
This weekend the Connors Clan high tailed it to the Adams Fair! It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time. Here is a little photo album of our excursion. Enjoy!

Jorn with Smokey the Bear. He followed this guy around for quite some time before he realized there was a little one trying to get his attention. I was surprised that Jorn really wanted to be near him. He loved him, I know you can't tell from the photo but he really did!

Here's the obligatory photo of the country fair prize winning veggie basket. I LOVE country fairs. Yummy home grown veggies are a thing of wonder and beauty to me. Cudos to those who took home the prize!

Meanwhile Greg really bonded with this Chicken. Don't ask me why but they had a definate "connection".

While Greg was making nice with the chickens I was warming up to this guy...because all knitters know there's nothing like a man who keeps llamas. Llamas make this...

At $65 a skein this stuff is yummy like cashmere. But, unfortunately like cashmere, way out of my price range. (A really good wool is at most @ $11 a skein)

Though I had to walk away from the Llama yarn I did get to pet this Percheron. Percherons are one of my favorite breeds of horses and some day in the near future there will be one frolicking in my front yard...or a pasture which would probably make more sense. Wish I could have taken this guy home with me. He was a gentle giant. A real sweetie.

Greg and Jorn took a ride down the slide (thats them at the top, click on the picture to enlarge). One ticket bought you 3 runs down the slide but after the first time down I asked Jorn if I could go down with him and he said, "I did it once with daddy, that's enough."! Deep down it makes a mother happy when you know your child has a healthy fear of heights. He is a wise boy!
So there it is. A few snipets from our weekend at the fair.
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