Let's Celebrate Celebrancy!
It was a really hot day and the boathouse of Verona Park was packed to its maximum capacity with Celebrants-to-be and their families. The big crowd made it really difficult to take pictures and I don't know if Greg intentionally took this shot but as an offical Celebrant now part of my job is to infuse the lives of my clients and my own life with symbolisim and meaning. This photo is my favorite of the day because although it is by no means an award winning shot it is symbolic of the threshold that all the Celebrant graduates, myself included, are about to cross on the final leg of our studies. Here we all stand as fledglings anticipating with both humble fear and excitement all the possibilities that our future independence will hold for us. Though unlike a fledgling who must do this on his own all Celebrants stand together in caring support of one another.

As we stood listening to Charlotte Eulette, the National Director of Celebrant USA, guide us through our graduation ceremony most of the people I was standing next to and with were complete strangers to me on one hand and familiar soul friends on another. Every area of the United States was represented people from the East Coast, West Coast, the North and the South all traveled to take part in this rite of passage. We studied together via computer/online classes but being able to physically congregate in this room was remarkable. Celebrancy is real and there are now over 100 Celebrants in the USA whoses hope it is to assist people in creating meaningful ceremonies and rituals that mark the very special and powerful times in their lives. Our lives are ours to celebrate, our successes are ours to celebrate, our challenges and losses are ours to call upon our community of friends in support and acknowledgement. These transitions can and should be tailored to suit individual needs, that is what a Celebrant helps their clients to do. This day, this graduation ceremony, felt unique and historic.

So, like most of the decisions I have made in my life I am not quite sure yet where Celebrancy will take me. In the same way that a college graduation simultaneously marks the completion of years of study and asks the young graduate to cross the threshold into adulthood and the unknown, the completion of my studies are just the begining of a new vocation I have chosen. One that is in alignment with all the things I believe and fight for on a daily basis. So I ask for your support and warm thoughts as I embark on this path and over time create a thriving Celebrancy practice.