The Connors Clan
an e-journal of our family's journey through space and time
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Families Start Your Engines!
The weather has been beautiful and the fairs have been a plenty so that means the Connors Clan has been busy having fun! We started Memorial Day Weekend with a trip to the Massachusetts Sheep and Wool Festival. You can read all about that on my knitting blog SpiderWomanKnits as well as see more cute pictures of Jorn and the other two people he lives with ;-)
On Sunday, Jorn and I made our way to the Pittsfield Carnival which was A LOT of fun. Jorn loves the games, the rides, the food, the carni atmosphere...he's a pretty cool guy to hang out with if I do say so myself.
Check him out on the truck ride! Doesn't he look like a trucker? He was really serious about steering I think he would have even downshifted on the hills had he had the option.

After the trucks came the cars. This has been Jorns favorite ride at every fair for the past two years. I have to be sure that I have plenty of tickets because he won't get off the ride unless he goes on two different cars at least. He started driving the bus.

Then switched to the car.

Here he is as the Roller Coaster pulled to a stop. Look at his face. No fear there! I see a lot of trips to Six Flags in our future :-)

After the rides we dined on Carnival Food. Corndogs, Fries, Ice Cream etc. and then headed home. But not before trying a few carnival games. Jorn is a natural at these too! I was amazed he won two prizes and not because "every kids wins" he really won 'em fair and square. There were kids twice his age who couldn't "hook a duck" or catch the flying balls. (Sorry no pictures I was having way too much fun watching him)

After a day filled with rides and fun and food my sufficently stuffed son brought his stuffed turtle and stuffed snake home and took a nice long nap.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Testing 1 2 3
Ok everyone here it goes! YouTube is a service that will host video for you so that we can share our movies with you on the blog. So make sure you read the post below about our trip to the Festival of Celts and then check out the video of Jorn defeating the Invisible Knight! How great is this? sure to let the video load completely before you play it so it isn't choppy :-)
Next, Jorn becomes SIR Jorn!
Celtic Festival 2006
Last weekend the Connors Clan headed over to Chatham, NY for the 2006 Festival of Celts. I have to admit that I have been pretty interested in Celtic culture ever since I started reading the Outlander Series this winter. (I am on book three now) This was my kind of fair. We had SO much fun. There is something so intriguing about re-enacters/time travel via recreation. I just love it.
We saw knights

Medieval Clansman

The Redcoats (Blah!)

Traditional Pipers (not sure of the clan)

And Jorn successfully fought off the Invisible Knight

But this guy captivated us the entire time

We just couldn't get enough (pictures) of him. It was like he was a time traveler. It was a beautiful day and a great time was had by all. Next year maybe we'll actually try the Haggis!
Monday, April 24, 2006
Jorns First Love and Where Have we Been?
Oh My. Has it really been months since I last posted on this blog? How awful. Well, for all the folks out there...all three of you ;-)... keeping up with our happenings here's what has been going on...
To start we decided to put our house on the market in preparation for a move.

There is a house that we love and have put an offer on but we'll have to wait and see if we can get it because we must sell our house first and there is no way to say how long that will take. Cross your fingers for us.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Train Show!
Yesterday was The Connors Clan 2nd Annual Family trip to the Big 2006 Railroad Hobby Show in Spiringfield, MA! Here is our little engineer all ready to check out the latest model trains all decked out in enginer pants and hat.

And Jorn and me toward the end of the day when it was difficult to get Jorn to willingly take a picture.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
A New Year and a New Look
It has been so long since I last updated our family blog and so much has happened. I felt like it was time to give this blog a facelift and lighten it up a little, hope you like the new look. First I want to start by wishing everyone a belated and Happy New Year! I hope that everyone's (the five of you out there who read this) holiday season was healthy and happy. Greg, Jorn, and I spent a week traveling the Tri-State area visiting friends and family. First stop was New Jersey to see the Nanas and Papas of Holiday City!

Check out Grandma Julie, Greg, and Jorn outside the big Museum of Natural History! My friend Aimee from High School gave Jorn a book called, "How to take your Grandma to the Museum" and Jorn and I read that book a whole bunch before our trip. He actually recognized the layout of the museum! The book really helped Jorn prepare for this massive intake of information so if you're reading this Aimee...Thanks!

After the Big City we headed to Brooklyn to visit the newlyweds, Jarret and Robyn, in Park Slope. We had a short but sweet visit (again no pictures :-( sorry) . Sadly we missed their wedding in October so we were really happy to see them. Little did we know that when we left Brooklyn we'd be heading into this storm.